Archive for the 'Technology' Category

GPS Vehicle Tracking

October 23rd, 2011 | Category: Technology

Are you interested in getting some results from your employees without having to stand there and stare over their shoulders?  Especially valuable in circumstances where you are not able to watch your employees yourself, such as truck driving, or other vehicle driving.  If you are the manager of around several hundred truck drivers, and are looking for a way to make sure that each of them makes his or her deadline, then you either need to go on faith, or take the leap into the twenty first century and get something that will make your life one hundred percent simpler.  Get vehicle tracking.  No companies in the twenty first century should be without a satellite tracking system; it’s like shipping something with insurance and proof of delivery, which are definitely things that no company should go without. 


If you are managing drivers, then a vehicle tracking gps system is something that will make your life infinitely easier.  You can manage all of your drivers and ensure that they are on track and delivering things as scheduled from the comfort of your own desk.  You can even hire someone else to read and interpret the data for you if you are interested in managing other aspects of your business more closely.  There are so many benefits of having a tracking system in place in your business that you need to look into getting one immediately if you don’t already have one. 

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Mercruiser Parts for your Boat

October 09th, 2011 | Category: Technology

Most people watch in awe from their luxurious pontoon boots as wake boarders and water-skiers cut through the pristine water surface with their sleek equipment, being pulled behind a sport boat with the latest mercruiser parts.  Do you get jealous of people who wear wet suits, sideways flat bill hats, and drive lifted trucks?  Well you can be that person, so there’s no need for jealousy anymore.    Wakeboarding and waterskiing are two of many sports in which physical athleticism does not play as big a part as one might think it does.  Also, the type of boat, whether mercury marine parts or Volvo marine parts, does not make a huge difference.   The importance is the doggedness of the participant – wakeboarding and waterskiing are difficult to learn and often times early attempts will end in failure more than they will end in success.

If you want to take up any water sports, there are several things that you need to be able to do.  First of all, you must be able to swim, as many times execution of any types of tricks or basic maneuvers will  end in failure and you will fall in the water.  You also must have money; you need not be rich, but you much be able to spend money on a board or skis, a dry suit, and you must pay for usage of a boat if you do not already own one.

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Apple to unveil iphone 5 in October

September 28th, 2011 | Category: Technology

It has been anticipated for months and the rumor mill has been working overtime and finally it seems like the new Apple iphone 5 will be released. According to a report in All Things Digital the latest smartphone will be unveiled on October 4.

It will be launched by Apple’s new CEO Tim Cook who took over from former CEO Steve Jobs who stepped down in August.

It is expected that the new phone will have a 4 inch screen, larger than the previous 3.5 inch screen as well being thinner and lighter as well. It is also rumored to have a much faster A5 dual core processor, iOS 5 and 8 mega pixel cameras which will replace iphone 4’s 5 mega pixel camera. It may have wireless charging as well.

The phone said to have a NFC chip installed in it which will enable the user to make payments with it instead of using a credit card. It will be one of very few phones with this feature in the market at present.

It is expected to come in 16 GB and 32GB in black and white on AT&T, Verizon and Sprint and be made available internationally on China Mobile.

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GPS Tracking Device Makes Life Easier

September 25th, 2011 | Category: Technology

A GPS tracking device can be a great addition to your business if you regularly deliver your products or services to your customers. Using a device like this will increase your level of customer service, which means that customers are more likely to return to you again and again. You will be able to get accurate delivery and pick up times to give your customers a more accurate idea of when their goods or services will be delivered to them.

Tracking GPS devices can be easily done by the use of GPS tracking devices. GPS tracking devices are definitely worth it if you have a company that delivers products to their customers. You are able to track GPS-enabled devices, usually vehicles, and find out all sorts of information about them. Not only can you track them and find out where they are, but you can also easily monitor maintenance costs, fuel consumption and eliminate overtime costs that are unnecessary.

Apart from tracking vehicles, you can track GPS-enabled devices such as cell phones by using a cell phone GPS tracking device like the XP4000. This particular device will track both vehicles and cell phones, so you can take advantage of twice as many benefits. It is a real time device, so you can track them immediately and discover certain pieces of information that you require. Using this device will decrease the costs of your company, increase customer satisfaction and allow you to easily monitor and access data and anything else that you need.

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Benefits of a Vehicle Tracking GPS

August 20th, 2011 | Category: Technology

Everybody’s had that experience of getting lost. Riding around in the car, digging for the map in the glove box or backseat, tensions rising; none of these experiences are pleasant, though they make people laugh and are entertaining when looking back on the situation. GPS, which stands for Global Positioning System, has been many people’s saving grace ever since it was invented and released to the public. A vehicle tracking GPS provides directions to virtually anywhere that one knows the address to. It can get someone to the nearest gas station; find that house that is for sale, or just basic directions when travelling across town, state, or even the country. Need to keep track of the reckless teenager that just got a car? Vehicle tracking can help you. Not just good for directions, GPS can also help needy parents or law enforcement be informed of where a certain vehicle is located at all times.

As if this isn’t enough for society to get used to and take advantage of, cell phone GPS tracking is now available also in the newest mobile devices that are out. People can be anywhere with service, and have the benefits and security of GPS in the palm of their hand. Like GPS in a motorized vehicle, it provides basic directions and also allows one to be tracked, or at least if they have their phone with them. So kiss all those road trips where you missed the turn and have delays goodbye; and say hello to GPS!

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Finding Deals on Boat Parts and Accessories

August 07th, 2011 | Category: Technology

Boat owners are well aware of the woes that come with marine vehicle maintenance. A lot of owners can attest to not only the frequency with which marine vehicles need to be maintained, but also to the high costs that come with even basic maintenance fees. In order to save more money for fun on the water, especially considering the price per gallon of fuel these days, there are a few ways to find bargains on boat parts and accessories. One of the best ways to find deals on a variety of parts and accessories for your boat is to search through a junk or scrap yard. While scrap yard scavenging might only be an option for individuals who are a more familiar with boat maintenance since it does require more know-how and familiarity with the machine that you own, it does make for a much cheaper option than ordering the parts you need brand new. Before you make a trip you should probably call your local scrap yard to see if they have a lot of boats that can be picked over for scrap parts; localities that are near a water source will typically have more options of marine parts to browse through. Another way to find cheaper deals on parts is to do an Internet search for companies and individuals that are selling used parts at a discount. Find your favorite search engine and type in a query such as “mercruiser parts” or something more specific in terms of the actual part you are searching for and see if there is anyone selling what you are looking for. Make sure to account for shipping costs in the total price; keep in mind that it can sometimes it can be cheaper to buy new if the shipping fees are really high.

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Things To Watch For When Using Wireless Technology

July 14th, 2011 | Category: Technology

 While people using wireless technology in the form of the internet and cell phone in almost every part of their daily lives, they rarely view this wireless technology as dangerous or exposing. Being careful of wireless technologies is especially important for businesses that rely on them to transfer money or important information on a daily basis.

Protecting your business today does not only involve physical security measures but also digital ones. Wireless technologies, while useful to save your business money and time, can also expose your money and information to outside hackers. Harmful programs, such as malware, are not only present on computers but can also infect mobile phones used to send proposals, customer information, or money transactions. Wireless hackers also sometimes set up fake wi-fi networks that mirror open communications used by businesses to transfer customer information.

Another common problem for people using wireless technologies is coverage problems that cause them to lose important information. It is important to make sure that you wireless networks are set up and installed correctly to avoid crashes. Preventative maintenance can often catch any potential problems before they affect your productivity. Many businesses spend a lot of money setting up elaborate wireless networks, only to find that the steel and thick walls of their building can block transmissions making their wireless technologies useless. This can be solved with devices that boost the wireless signals. However, these can cost a business a lot of money and their price should be considered before deciding to install a wireless network.

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Take Care of Your Marine Outboard

June 29th, 2011 | Category: Technology

Getting boat parts and accessories online is quite easy these days. Parts can be searched for by serial number or name and there’s usually somewhere you can call if you’re stuck on something or have an urgent question that needs an immediate answer. Taking care of a boat is a big commitment, but it is also a joy. There’s as much pleasure in understanding how all the parts fit together as there is in mastering their assembly, disassembly, and reassembly. And who can help but hoot in an exclamation of joy about the fun that’s to be had by riding?

mercury outboard

You don’t need to go through a collection of Mercury marine outboards if you take good care of the one you have. Keeping an outboard in good shape requires some effort, but they’re so much fun to have. To keep your boat going, you guard against engine overheating by keeping the cooling system in check and ordering the marine parts you need as soon as you notice that a replacement is in order. And even if you chance momentarily misplacing a crucial outboard parts diagram, even that you can find online! Keeping your craft clean, appropriately lubricated, and free from corrosion will do a lot of the heavy lifting that’s necessary for it to endure for years to come.

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Reasons Why You Should Purchase A GPS Tracking Device

June 19th, 2011 | Category: Technology

With 24 satellites patrolling the skies for the purpose of being able to determine the coordinates of any object with GPS receiver at any given point of time, we can safely assume that this method of satellite tracking, devised by the Department of Defense has been one of its best-kept secrets for a long time now until it was released for public use not so long ago.


Thanks to several applications that have come up with the US government now allowing businesses and individuals to use this technology, you can not only find cell phone GPS tracking being used on smart phones but also in the form of receivers on vehicles for a slew of reasons.

Take for example, the industry of logistics where one of these devices (and the required tracking software) can give you the position of an object at any given point of time, so there are several reasons as to why this technology is so valuable.

Reason #1: Retrieval of lost/ stolen objects

If in the circumstance where any object that is being transported is stolen or lost, a GPS tracking device can locate the object easily by searching for its coordinates. After that, it’s only a matter of time before law enforcement personnel arrive on the scene to physically retrieve the object.

Reason #2: Efficiency

Since this technology can be used for any object, vehicles with these receivers also provide supervisors with data concerning routing and time required to arrive at a particular destination. This will also prevent employees from either misusing company property on their days off from work but also bill the company the accurate amount of time they have spent on the road.

Reason #3: Costs

Obviously with greater efficiency brings the added advantage of being able to reduce overheads as mentioned earlier. Also, insurance companies charge smaller premiums for insurance that is taken for objects in the case of being stolen or lost, thanks to the presence of such a device.


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The Benefits Of An External Hard Drive

June 15th, 2011 | Category: Technology

Because so many people use laptops with smaller hard drives and storage today, if you have a business that generates a lot of files or many large video and audio files, an external hard drive can help free up some space on your computer’s memory. They are also a great way to compartmentalize your files if you use your laptop for many different things.

Since they first became popular, external hard drives have steadily become more physically smaller with larger storage spaces. Their price has also dropped significantly and with many different types to choose from, buying an external hard drive has become much easier.

This is good since they are especially useful to back up the important data most people keep on their computers. By copying your hard drive to an external one, you have some insurance against losing all your files if your computer gets infected with a virus or crashes. Many external hard drives come with built in encryptions to protect sensitive information even more. Also, if you carry you external hard drive with you, you can access your files from any computer.

Something to remember when dealing with external hard drives is that they can be prone to failure just as much as your normal hard drive. They can also be damaged through other methods if you transport them a lot. It is recommended that you keep your information in three different places. This will ensure that if two of them get infected, then you will still not lose your information.

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