Archive for the 'Technology' Category

Increase Your Trucking Profit With Vehicle Tracking GPS Tools

November 18th, 2012 | Category: Technology

Vehicle tracking GPS tools have been proven time and time again to be something that can really help trucking companies who are in the business of moving products from one location to another.  When you think about the business of trucking, it is actually pretty similar in nature to manufacturing.  It is all about being as effective and as efficient as possible.  With this type of software these tools can be utilized to streamline the whole process so that you can really increase your profits across the board.

The big way that this type software is going to help you in terms of increasing your profits is that you are going to be able to accurately bill customers for the amount of time that it took to travel to certain locations and the mileage.  Typically when you bid on a job to move something you will take into account the mileage and set a price based on that.

With this type of technology you can actually wait until after the job has been done and run a report on how long it took the driver to get to the destination.  This can be utilized to bill the customer and can also act as basically the invoice to the customer.

This can increase profit in a big way as you will not underbill customers.  GPS tracking device tools are a big help when you think about just how hard it is to manage all of your trucks and their locations.  Lojack tools are also proving helpful fight vehicle theft.  Some of the more popular tools  are taking the industry by storm.

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How Kindle transformed giant online retailer

November 09th, 2012 | Category: Technology

The, an online retail behemoth introduced its first Kindle (code named Fiona at the time) on November 19, 2007 something completely unexpected from a retailer.  It allowed readers to download books quickly without a PC for the first time.  The innovation gave access to more than 90,000 strong books available from  This helped to establish its name as a technology innovator and transformed the industry. total revenue in 2007 climbed to over $14.8 billion.  A vast number of technology companies including Sony quickly jumped on the band wagon and the market was flooded with e-readers. success in e-readers later brought Apple in to the book selling market with its iBookstore.  This resulted in Amazon fighting for its dominance in the digital book selling market.  Today it produces a Wi-Fi version of the Kindle, Kindle Fire HD, with an 8.9inch iPad like screen.  Its 16GB model sells for $299 and competes with similar tablets from Google and Apple. has made several organizational changes within the company to further push its digital agenda.  All these changes and technology advancements are helping its bottom line and the company expects to earn more than $62 billion in 2012.

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A new Microsoft in the making

October 17th, 2012 | Category: Technology

Microsoft has dominated the technology market in the month of October 2012 with lots of news.  During the month its new Windows 8 for personal computers, tablets, and smartphones is scheduled to be released; it will introduce its newest weapon in the tablet market with its Surface tablet; it will introduce a music and movie service; new slick software for its Xbox; and it will upgrade the Skype.

Its new Windows 8 operating system is the key element of all new products and applications.  It operates on touchscreens and uses tiles to navigate applications.  It gets rid of the rigid form of old Microsoft and creates user friendly navigation giving user a feel for cutting edge technology.  It shares your information among all your devices including your desktop PC, tablet, laptop and smartphone.  If you buy a song online, it will be available on all your devices and let you use the same sign in for all devices.

The introduction of the Surface pit Microsoft against Apple and others.  It also no longer depends on its allies like HP, Dell, Intel, Nokia, and Acer to come up with devices to run its programs.  This puts Microsoft in an awkward position with its long time partners.

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Increasing Fuel Efficiency While Utilizing Truck Tracking Software

October 14th, 2012 | Category: Technology

The cost of fuel is a major expense in a company that has a lot of trucks on the road at any particular time.  Let us face the facts, gas is not even close to as inexpensive as it used to be many years ago.  Gas is at a price point now where it can actually cause a truck delivery company to go completely bankrupt due to the ridiculous costs.  Believe it or not though, new truck tracking software can help increase fuel efficiency and cut down on overall costs.


Truck drivers have been on routes for ages and they typically know exactly how to go and which way to drive in order to get to the destinations they are seeking.  But what if there is traffic, or perhaps even a better way to get to the destination that they want?  Now with this new type of GPS software, a fleet manager can work behind-the-scenes on a computer, and see where trucks are.  He or she can determine their current location, and relay to them the proper path to take in order to get to their destination the fastest, increasing fuel efficiency.  We don’t want truck drivers sitting in traffic wasting gas.


This type of vehicle tracking GPS software is really making a mark in the industry.  Promiles and other features offered by and other products are showing us it is possible to keep tabs on our trucks at all times. This can go a long way to increasing profits across the board.

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Chinese Foxconn factory conditions to improve

August 14th, 2012 | Category: Technology

The Apple’s largest supplier, Foxconn Technology Group made headlines due to more than fifty labor violations in its factories in China.  However, a recent report prepared by the Fair Labor Association commissioned by Apple indicates that it is making changes and improving labor conditions in its factories.  It operates 13 factories in nine Chinese cities which include its largest factory located in Longhua, Shenzhen with estimated 230,000 to 450,000 employees.  Foxconn other factories are located in Asia, South America and Europe.

The world’s largest maker of electronics components, Hon Hai Precision Industry Company Limited, trading under Foxconn in the U.S. is headquartered in Tucheng, New Taipei, Taiwan.  It manufactures products for American, European, and Japanese companies.  Most notable products include iPhone, iPad, Kindle, Play Station 3, and Xbox 360.  In China, it is the largest single private sector employer.

Changes made by Foxconn includes redesign of dangerous equipment, making unemployment insurance benefits available to migrant workers, and reduce overtime to an average of 20 hours per week and trim it down to maximum of nine hours per week by 2013.  One area that is still outstanding is the requirement to complete the same amount of units even with the reduced number of hours.

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What is going on with Apple lately?

July 24th, 2012 | Category: Technology

Tim Cook took over the helm at Apple following the untimely death of Steve Jobs. Since that time Apple came out with a new iPhone version but seems stagnant at best. Most recently its shares are gradually heading down from its peak. So, what is going on with Apple?

Many say Apple and Steve Jobs are identified with each other even after his untimely death. So, it may be difficult for Tim Cook to get under his predecessor’s shadow. People will have get used to Apple and the way it is doing business recently.

Apple has been widely rumored to come out with a new but smaller, cheaper, and lighter iPad to compete with more popular’s Kindle Fire that cost $249 and Google’s Nexus 7 tablet that start at $199. These days it is hard to find a Nexus 7 in the market.

Apple iPhone sales are down lately. One reason for the sluggish stock value of Apple lately is that there are many rumors and speculation of a new iPhone version coming in this fall and people may be delaying purchase of the existing iPhones. But there are no indications from Apple about an upcoming iPhone version.

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Advantages Of Using Vehicle Tracking Systems

July 08th, 2012 | Category: Technology

Managing a fleet of vehicles can be daunting and time consuming especially if your system is not backed by a reliable IT platform. Despite some of these systems already in use, they have shortcomings in the manner they are designed for general use. That is why you need an all-in one solution that will serve your transport needs regardless of the industry you are operating. Furthermore, having an integrated GPS tracking system gives you all that are required to manage your fleet in the most orderly way possible.

Using such a lojack further gives you the advantage of remaining in control over your fleet sop that you are able to know the driver location, their speed, when and where they stop and much more. You also get to reduce clerical costs of tracking fuel and equipment use. In case of any breakdown, this system will provide you with the fastest notification and ensure you dispatch another vehicle as well as driver if need be.

When it comes to management and providing accountability, a vehicle tracking system can be used even for those that are not proficient in statistics and accounts.  This is because such a system has ready made accounting software that provides spot on statistics on transport costs as well as other analytics. In the end, the best way thus to keep your fleet under check is through the use of our renowned GPS tracking device that incorporates a fleet management software this in turn gives you productivity and management cutting costs.

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The advantages of hiring an IT consulting Los Angeles

May 20th, 2012 | Category: Technology

If you own a business whether it is a small or big business, it is essential to hire an IT consulting Los Angeles to keep the business running. In today’s world, almost all businesses are using computers to manage the daily task. Therefore, it is important to maintain the computer network in a functional condition. One way of ensuring the efficiency of the computer unit is through regular checkup by the information technology team.

The Orange County IT consulting does not need to be on the site on a daily basis. If you experience problems with your computer system, then that’s the right time to hire the service of an IT consulting companies. This way you will be able to lessen your expenses. You can ask the IT staff to visit your area in a monthly basis or whenever the situation calls for. It is actually better compared to hiring an IT staff on a daily basis.

The Orange County IT support efficiently manages the servers, networks, and other related problems happening in the work station. Aside from that, they also offer 24/7 support number. You can call this number anytime you need help. Through this, your problem will be addressed regardless of the time of the day. On top of that, the company also provides backup tools. The IT support company will manage the data and restore it, especially in emergency cases. The information technology staff is the knowledgeable person to handle all issues about information technology. Therefore, it pays a lot of have the service of the IT support company.

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The demise of Research In Motion (RIM)

March 30th, 2012 | Category: Technology

The BlackBerry maker Research In Motion faced with declining sales has announced yet another risky proposal to concentrate only on business users, license its BlackBerry software or to sell the business itself. Once mighty BlackBerry continues to struggle to survive in the face of the completion from Apple’s iPhone and other similar smart phones running on Google’s Android software. While RIM’s global market share of smart phones dwindle down to 8.2 percent in the fourth quarter from 14 percent for the similar period a year earlier, the Apple’s share rose from 16 percent to 24 percent. Its stock meanwhile plunged from high of $140 in 2008 to $14 in late March 2012.

The company’s three main functions; managerial, social and entrepreneurial functions, all failed in their capacity. RIM is trying to stay alive by focusing on enterprise services and targeted consumer segments. In the face of more and more companies allowing their employees to bring their own iPhones to work this may be difficult at best.

In coming weeks and months, the company needs to prove to its existing customers that it can compete with Apple, Google, Microsoft and others. Failure to do so could cost the company to succumb to intense competition.

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Talking to IT Consultants Los Angeles

March 25th, 2012 | Category: Technology

You may never think that you will need the help of any form of it consultants los angeles, but the reality of the situation is that no matter how record breaking your computer is, you are bound to have some problems with it along the way – especially as it gets older.  The older technology gets, the less likely it is to function correctly, either from the wear of constant use, which would be expected for something as imperative as your computer, or from software problems that may develop due to a deficiency in computer security.  No matter what the problem, having someone there to help you with computer support orange county can save you a serious headache and a lot of time and patience.


Finding someone to work on your computer might not be as easy – and could easily be much, much more nerve wracking than it sounds, so when it comes to your computer, you really want to know what to expect ahead of time, so that when you take it in for maintenance you already know how much you will have to pay, and what the problems with your computer are specifically.  These types of this will both give you peace of mind and keep you from getting ripped off if the only computer support company in your area isn’t exactly the most upstanding in the business.  So don’t fret, get a consult today and get your los angeles computer service done tomorrow!

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