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Use Spy Cameras For Home

July 16th, 2011 | Category: Electronic

It’s sad to say but in this day and age you can’t trust that many people.  The days are gone where you can trust the neighbor down the road, or the guy you meet at the convenience store.  Everyone that you meet is a potential hazard; every person you invite into your home is a threat.  This is extremely true when it comes to a new babysitter.  Be smart and install a spy camera in your home to watch the person taking care of your children.

Spycamera edited
Spy cameras strategically placed around your home can provide full coverage of all the baby sitters activities with your children while you’re away.  This protects against little things.  If a babysitter is plopping your kids in front of the television and calling their friends you know not to bring them back.  You can also see more serious offenses, like putting your children in dangerous situations, bringing strange people into your house without your knowledge, stealing from your house, or harming your children.

Spy cameras for home is the smartest decision you will ever make.  You can watch your children when you’re away, keep an eye on the babysitter, or watch out for a cheating spouse.  Be a more aware person and protect your home against unwanted guests.  See who your real friends are, and watch out for you and your families well being.  It’s the smartest and safest investment that you will ever make for the future of your household.

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Things To Watch For When Using Wireless Technology

July 14th, 2011 | Category: Technology

 While people using wireless technology in the form of the internet and cell phone in almost every part of their daily lives, they rarely view this wireless technology as dangerous or exposing. Being careful of wireless technologies is especially important for businesses that rely on them to transfer money or important information on a daily basis.

Protecting your business today does not only involve physical security measures but also digital ones. Wireless technologies, while useful to save your business money and time, can also expose your money and information to outside hackers. Harmful programs, such as malware, are not only present on computers but can also infect mobile phones used to send proposals, customer information, or money transactions. Wireless hackers also sometimes set up fake wi-fi networks that mirror open communications used by businesses to transfer customer information.

Another common problem for people using wireless technologies is coverage problems that cause them to lose important information. It is important to make sure that you wireless networks are set up and installed correctly to avoid crashes. Preventative maintenance can often catch any potential problems before they affect your productivity. Many businesses spend a lot of money setting up elaborate wireless networks, only to find that the steel and thick walls of their building can block transmissions making their wireless technologies useless. This can be solved with devices that boost the wireless signals. However, these can cost a business a lot of money and their price should be considered before deciding to install a wireless network.

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A Note on Siemens Breakers For Your Home

June 20th, 2011 | Category: Electronic

The simplest function that Siemens breakers or any type serve is to protect your home from a power overload which has dire consequences if this simple device isn’t in place. Ever since the ‘fuse’ was phased out, this device has been prominent as in the situation of an overload it breaks off the power to your home to protect the appliances and electrical wiring from damage.


Once the surge is over, all you have to do is restart your system again yet the most important factor determining whether Siemens circuit breakers serve their purpose is in knowing which circuit breaker work best for your home.

To put it simply, there are different circuit breakers that can handle a certain amount of electricity, and this is the clue that you must use in order to find the right one for your home. In general, most home will require low-voltage magnetic circuit breakers that are capable of handling currents up to 1000 amperes.

Larger buildings and businesses use medium-voltage circuit breakers that can accommodate electricity up to 72000 amperes while high-voltage circuit breakers that are used besides power lines can handle current above 72000 volts.

But how will you be able to know as to whether the Siemens fxd63b200 is right for your home or not?

What you need to first do is look for the wire size on the cable that is connected to the circuit breaker which is used in your home. So, if it is a 14-guage wire, you will need a 15-amp circuit breaker, 12-guage wire for 20 amps, 10-guage wire for 30 amps and finally, 8-guage wire for 40 amps.

Once you are able to determine this, it will not be difficult for you to find a variety of both online and offline companies who will sell you refurbished or new circuit breakers for your home or any other purpose it might suit you for.

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Reasons Why You Should Purchase A GPS Tracking Device

June 19th, 2011 | Category: Technology

With 24 satellites patrolling the skies for the purpose of being able to determine the coordinates of any object with GPS receiver at any given point of time, we can safely assume that this method of satellite tracking, devised by the Department of Defense has been one of its best-kept secrets for a long time now until it was released for public use not so long ago.


Thanks to several applications that have come up with the US government now allowing businesses and individuals to use this technology, you can not only find cell phone GPS tracking being used on smart phones but also in the form of receivers on vehicles for a slew of reasons.

Take for example, the industry of logistics where one of these devices (and the required tracking software) can give you the position of an object at any given point of time, so there are several reasons as to why this technology is so valuable.

Reason #1: Retrieval of lost/ stolen objects

If in the circumstance where any object that is being transported is stolen or lost, a GPS tracking device can locate the object easily by searching for its coordinates. After that, it’s only a matter of time before law enforcement personnel arrive on the scene to physically retrieve the object.

Reason #2: Efficiency

Since this technology can be used for any object, vehicles with these receivers also provide supervisors with data concerning routing and time required to arrive at a particular destination. This will also prevent employees from either misusing company property on their days off from work but also bill the company the accurate amount of time they have spent on the road.

Reason #3: Costs

Obviously with greater efficiency brings the added advantage of being able to reduce overheads as mentioned earlier. Also, insurance companies charge smaller premiums for insurance that is taken for objects in the case of being stolen or lost, thanks to the presence of such a device.


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The Benefits Of An External Hard Drive

June 15th, 2011 | Category: Technology

Because so many people use laptops with smaller hard drives and storage today, if you have a business that generates a lot of files or many large video and audio files, an external hard drive can help free up some space on your computer’s memory. They are also a great way to compartmentalize your files if you use your laptop for many different things.

Since they first became popular, external hard drives have steadily become more physically smaller with larger storage spaces. Their price has also dropped significantly and with many different types to choose from, buying an external hard drive has become much easier.

This is good since they are especially useful to back up the important data most people keep on their computers. By copying your hard drive to an external one, you have some insurance against losing all your files if your computer gets infected with a virus or crashes. Many external hard drives come with built in encryptions to protect sensitive information even more. Also, if you carry you external hard drive with you, you can access your files from any computer.

Something to remember when dealing with external hard drives is that they can be prone to failure just as much as your normal hard drive. They can also be damaged through other methods if you transport them a lot. It is recommended that you keep your information in three different places. This will ensure that if two of them get infected, then you will still not lose your information.

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The Advantages of Using a Global SIM Card

June 12th, 2011 | Category: Telecommunication

One of the biggest problem that people who travel abroad frequently face is not being able to ‘cash in’ on their frequent flyer miles but it could something as simple as having to foot large bills when it comes to the cell phone service that they use.
att sim card

In an economy where money saved is money earned, these bills can be annoying if you think that something needs to be done. This is where the benefits of a global SIM card can really come in handy.

How this type of service is different is that the packages offered are tailored to suit the needs of each traveler every time they wish to visit a certain country or a few of them. Yes, if you do travel to different countries every time you leave the United States, you can change your package accordingly using an international service that is committed to saving you at least 90 percent of your bills.

It only makes sense that you use your local service when you are at home (since they offer the best benefits) while using an international mobile phone package when leaving the country as this service is designed to offer you the best when you travel.

Not only do you get to save money (which means more money for talk time and sending SMS’) but you get won’t have to worry about being disconnected from your friends and family regardless of which country you are in as these international services are available in almost 300 countries around the world.

If you aren’t sure whether or not to proceed with these plans, an excellent way to find out whether the service meets up to your standards is by reading numerous international SIM cards reviews and recommendations that you can find over the internet.

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Three Popular Mobile App Trends for 2011

May 31st, 2011 | Category: Technology

 If there’s anything that the year 2011 make evident about mobile applications, it is that these mobile apps are developing at a rapid pace. If the previous year was about real-time alerts and push notifications, this year is about localized content and cloud content among other trends that are taking the market by storm or will be out very soon.

So here are the most popular Mobile App Trends for 2011:

#1: Photo and Video Filters

Photography has always been a popular mobile app category, and with the portability of camera phones, you can be sure that they are the most popular cameras used today. In 2010, the focus was on photo sharing apps but for 2011 it is all about the photo effects and filters that can be applied to the photos before sharing them.

Instagram, Hipstamatic and PicPlz are some of the examples of mobile apps that can bring an analogue feel to a digital photo, making it more aesthetically pleasing. Along with this, you can also get a variety of filters and color hues that can change how a photo looks.

#2: Front-facing Camera Apps

The feature of having just one camera is a thing of the past, and thanks to devices such as the Motorola Xoom or the iPad 2, several options for video and photo apps have opened up. Whether this extra camera allows one to take his photo as an avatar or for video chat support, this will lead to app developers paying attention to camera attention more closely.

#3: Access to Tumblr, Twitter, Flickr, Facebook and Foursquare

Mobile Apps for Twitter and Facebook are considered to be common these days however with more companies using OAuth, this means that it has become easier for mobile app developers to add support for the most popular social networks.

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Mercury, Suzuki or Yamaha Marine Parts: Which One is Better?

May 29th, 2011 | Category: Technology

In stark similarity to a car or bike, the life of any boat is its engine, and there’s no doubt that in finding the best Yamaha marine parts, you can extend the life of your precious yacht or whatever boat you use to enjoy your free time in the water.

yamaha boat

Since most boat owners are just as passionate about their boats as car owners are about their vehicles, the question as to which brand of boat parts and accessories are the best often arises. And the truth is that they all have their unique advantages. Thus, there isn’t much of a difference between the top manufacturers, such as Suzuki, Mercury, or even Yamaha.

Experts will tell you about what they share in common: whether you are looking for Mercury or Suzuki marine parts, you will find that they are not only reasonably-priced, but are easily available just in case you wish to take extra precautions for your boat before you set sail.

Since they have been built with the highest quality, you will be pleased to know that these parts are durable and dependable enough for you to expect that your boat will be running for a long time without any issues, provided you carry out preventative maintenance from time to time.

And whether you are looking for Mercury marine outboards or inboard parts, these companies have been in the business for a long time, spanning almost seventy years of experience in building better parts and accessories for boat owners around the world with their unique needs.

In the end, if one has to differentiate between these three manufacturing giants, there isn’t much difference between them except for the fact that any one of these companies might just have the parts or accessories that suit your specific needs, and that’s the option you will have to go with.

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The Importance of Ergonomic Workstation Furniture

May 23rd, 2011 | Category: Electronic

While the workplace has been revolutionized by means of audio visual integration technology, which takes the office dimensions and space into consideration, there are simpler aspects that have also been given a lot of thought over the last few years.

With a lot of work in conventional offices across several industries being done using computers, this means that employees have to sit for long hours in order to complete the tasks that they have been given.

When employees sit for long hours at a computer workstation desk, the harm that this does to their body becomes apparent after a few years. Although it isn’t as dangerous as working in construction, there are certain health risks that are a part of sitting at a desk and working on a computer for long hours.

And this is where ergonomic workstation furniture can play an important part in avoiding these health risks from the outset, especially since the human body has been designed to move instead of being seated in one place for almost eight hours.

It is important that applying this aspect of ‘ergonomics’ is crucial right from the start, which all begins with “space planning”. Since the function of this task is to plan out how the space in any office will be used, where the equipment and the workstations will be placed can play an important role in ergonomics. As each employee will play different roles, it is also a good idea to provide furniture that will meet the needs of that individual. This is where an ergonomic consultant can provide advice and create awareness among employees about the concept of ergonomics and its practices when at their workstations.

When this is followed up by continued awareness of the importance of sitting in an ergonomically correct position, the health risks rapidly decline, keeping your employees healthy, happy, and productive at work.

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Cheap Roaming With A Travel Phone And Global Sim Card

May 10th, 2011 | Category: Technology

One strategy used by frequent overseas travel today is to have two separate phones for home and away. Instead of using your everyday phone, along with its high roaming charges and possible network incompatibilities in other countries, consider using a travel phone. You can now leave your phone behind and use the purpose-built phone to ensure that you are contactable and can stay in touch with your business and family at much lower rates.

In order to get the best cheap roaming deal, you will need to pair your travel phone with a global SIM card.

Using a global SIM card has many benefits, the most important of which is the lower roaming charges. They provide much lower roaming rates compared to standard providers and some packages even have free incoming calls. Any traveler will know how expensive it can be to even receive calls while overseas. With a global sim card, your wife and kids could call you anytime without worrying about heavy incoming call charges.

In addition, they are also meant to work in the countries you travel to. They are guaranteed to work and you can be sure of the charges and costs associated with phone usage overseas long before you leave.

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